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The Senegal parrot is a somewhat unusual bird for a parrot, which as a group can be noisy, demanding, high-maintenance pets. The Senegal, though, is remarkably quiet and calm. Hand-fed Senegals make extraordinary pets and are known for being comical and entertaining. They are colourful, relatively small, and can talk and mimic, although they tend to be considerably quieter than many other parrot species. 


Though considered quiet by parrot standards, they do spend a lot of time chattering and whistling softly. Flocks in the wild are very social, chirping and whistling to each other all day long. When excited they will screech loudly. If you notice excessive screeching, check the bird’s location for anything new or disturbing that may be triggering this unnatural reaction.

They can be taught to speak and can have a vocabulary of around a dozen words. Senegals are known to be much better at mimicking household noises, such as the phone ringing or that of a squeaky door, so be prepared to be surprised as they learn new sounds. Senegals love toys, especially wooden ones, and will spend a large part of their day playing and chewing in their cage. They are cuddly and love to be held and interact with their human companions.

Charming and highly trainable, these little parrots have a knack for being a great source of entertainment and amusement for their owners. While they are not nearly as common as 

African Grey’s or cockatiels, they have earned a reputation as being an easy-going and playful companion bird. Senegal Parrots love to get attention, and you should plan on being able to spend several hours a day with them. This can simply mean being in the same room for part of that time, and it is a good practice to have them out of their cage for at least an hour a day.Because it is on the smaller size, a Senegal parrot does not require an exceptionally large cage, as do some of their larger cousins. A cage with a 20 x 20-inch footprint and 28 inches in height is a minimum size, although larger is always preferable. The cage should, of course, be considerably larger if you are keeping two birds. Bar spacing should be about 3/4 inch. Equip the cage with several horizontal bars to serve as perches.  Prospective owners should also plan to invest in a variety of toys and accessories for their birds. Senegals can be strong chewers, so it's a good idea to provide them with toys to exercise their beaks. 

Senegals, or "Sennies" as they are affectionately referred to by many owners, bond strongly with their owners and thrive on daily interaction with them. Those interested in owning a Senegal should be willing to make time for handling and socialising with the bird every day. Interaction time is rarely a burden since these birds are often content to simply sit on your shoulder.


Other species to consider


Hahns Macaw




Crimson Belly Conure

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