Nicknamed "pocket parrots" in the pet trade, these tiny birds are the smallest members of the parrot family. They are just as intelligent as many larger species. Some learn to talk quite well, although they're not especially noted for this ability. When properly tamed, they make perfectly affectionate and absolutely adorable pets.
They often do best as pets when kept by themselves, as they are prone to becoming aggressive toward other birds. You may also find them to be territorial in their cage, especially untamed birds during feeding time it's important to remember that this miniature parrot can be fearless at times. This can get them into trouble, especially in a home with dogs and cats because the bird may not back down from the predator.
Parrotlets are just as intelligent as any other parrot. They can be trained to do a few tricks and some individuals will learn to talk. These little birds don't have the volume of large parrots. Their voice is almost whisper-soft and their vocabulary can reach 10 to 15 words, which is quite impressive for their size.
Compared to other parrots, parrotlets are rather good at entertaining themselves. Just be sure to supply plenty of stimulating toys in their cage. The minimum cage size for this bird should be 18 inches square and the bar spacing should be no greater than 1/2- to 5/8-inch. The more room you can provide, however, the happier your bird will be.
It's also important that you take precautions when the bird is out of the cage. They are so small and delicate that it's easy to have an accident when they're on the floor or hopping around on furniture. To prevent this, set your boundaries early on. They can be taught to remain on a play stand, you just need to be diligent about setting the bird back on it every time he gets off. One of their favourite activities plays into their nickname. These "pocket parrots" can often be seen poking their head out of their owner's shirt pocket for a quick petting on the head. It's the perfect carrying pouch that keeps your bird next to you, which is right where he wants to be.